Hi, I'm Matt Bee. Also known across the internet as bluelander, matt bluelander, m·bluelander, minterpunct, mand middot, etc etc.
I was born in nineteen eighty-five in Appalachia, a mountainous region of the eastern United States, where I still reside. The land I live on rightfully belongs to the Tsalagi people. Local time is UTC -5 (-4 during DST.) I'm agender and nonbinary, and I use the pronouns they/them.
I'm an anarchist raccoon. By day I am a humble spreadsheet mechanic; by evening, I'm a writer and a programmer; by night, I am a sleepy critter. I'm trying my best to be a positive nihilist. I'm tired, but I have Izzy, my wonderful spouse, and she keeps me going ❤🐼
My favorite color is purple.
It is customary to display a list of my interests on the info page of a personal website, so you know if you should follow me, but I'm sort of interested in everything, and my level of interest in any particular thing waxes and wanes unpredictably. To be as broad and unhelpful as possible, I'm interested in sustainable technology, art, literature, music, games, history, science, politics, and law. If you care enough to be reading this, you get to know that I started a secret tiktok account. My username is phantomdreamer7 if you want to see my vlogs.
Thank you for being a friend 🦝